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Museum temporarily closed

Request a loan or image

Would you like to request a loan for an exhibition or a project? Or are you looking for images for a publication? We would be happy to work with you. 


The Museum Prinsenhof Delft is happy to lend works to other museums for interesting exhibitions and projects. This makes it possible for even more people to enjoy our collection. 

You can put in a request for a loan for a temporary exhibition or permanent display. Send us your request preferably at least 6 months prior to the start of the project. 

Please address requests to Janelle Moerman, director, Museum Prinsenhof Delft, Postbus 78, 2600 ME Delft, the Netherlands 

We would also like to receive a digital version of your request at Musealecollecties-Prinsenhof@delft.nl 


Please include the following information: 

  • Name and address of the institution requesting the loan
  • Name, job title and contact information of the contact person
  • Reason for the request
  • Exhibition dates
  • Title and brief summary of the exhibition or project
  • List of objects requested on loan, including their inventory numbers (these can easily be found in our online collection database)
  • Substantiate the selection of objects requested: Why does this object/these object(s) strengthen the project?


If you would like more information about works on loan and on loan procedures, please contact Nico Schaap, Registrar, at nischaap@delft.nl

Photo Marco Zwinkels


For non-commercial use, you can download any images of our works of art from our online collection database. Are you looking for a high-res image for a publication? We would be happy to make images available to you. 

You can put in a request at: Musealecollecties-Prinsenhof@delft.nl 

Please provide the museum’s library with one free copy of the publication, if an image from our collection has been reproduced in it. 


Please note: not all images are free of copyright. It is your responsibility to check the copyright and to request consent to publish images for commercial purposes. For Dutch modern and contemporary art, please contact Pictoright Amsterdam, the organization managing copyright on images. 


Publication Pioneering Ceramics | Uitgeverij Waanders


Office: Sint Agathaplein 4, Delft

+31 (0)15 260 23 58


Towards a new museum

The Museum Prinsenhof Delft is temporarily closed for renovation and refurbishment.

During the renovation, we will accompany our visitors outside. The collection will be on display in new places, and activities will take place at other locations.

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